Feb 282010

Now the Monsters Of Fishing are not ones to shy away from using technology to maximize the fish to hook ratio. Yes, we still subscribe to the tried and true traditional methods of cloud observation, the Farmers Almanac, the Butt Pucker at Seeing the Perfect Cover-to-Sunslant-Guage, or the Throw Enough Crap at Them Until Something Sticks technique. However, there’s nothing wrong with side scan sonar, military chipped up GPS, and underwater high-def video.

Having said that, I felt no embarrassment going to the basement and fishing trough my totes, and dusting off my best fish-finder to make sure it would be ready for the end of June Rangeley trip.

I particularly like that it’s laden with features like the one foot graduated depth scale, and an “On-Off” knob. I know that the hard core old timers are likely to give me some disgusted looks for being so lazy employing sophisticated electronics to the art of fishing but…….comon!…this baby’s sweet!

Feb 062010

Smeltaplooza is a week away, and preparations are in full swing. All systems are GO,… shacks, hotel rooms, transportation logistics are all secured. Details of provisions, both solid and liquid, will gel in the next few days. In the mean time, I’ve tinkered with ideas for a new weapon to increase the odds of actually catching any significant number of the little smelt beasties, and have come up with the Smeltslayer 2010. This is the prototype that we’ll test next weekend. Developed after minutes of research and reflection on past experience, I am very optimistic.  The technical details of the rig’s construction are complex, but  I’ll summarize in brief:  Use 4 really small jigs with glow-in-the-dark eyes and some legs or hairs on them (think tiny krill). Tie on jigs 14 inches apart and on 2 inch loops along six feet of clear line. Put a swivel on both ends. Put an ounce of lead on the bottom end and hook the top to your provided line. Bait with  little pieces of bloodworm and put in water. Jig around. Reference picture below.

Results of the Smeltslayer 2010 will be posted following field trials next weekend……