Dec 312009

Big Eddy   


The Golden Road out of Millinocket Maine is owned by the paper company, and pulp trucks come down it fast, loaded, and taking up their share of the middle. Up off  “the road” is a place called Big Eddy where the west branch of the Penobscot River pours through Ripogenus Gorge and curls back into a pool renowned for its salmon and trout. Mount Katahdin overlooks the place. There’s a group of us that heads out fishing from time to time, and we like this spot. There are many others we like too.  Some near, some far away. Fresh water and saltwater. Those fished, and those still to be discovered. This site, blog, whatever it’s called, is of course a way to share stuff about fishing. I also think that some of it will be…. simply about the fun we have being out there. 


The Monsters Of Fishing

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